The Midtown Gazette

A Columbia Journalism School newsroom covering Midtown Manhattan in the heart of New York City.

Street Buzz: Then and Now

Photo: AP
Photo: Nell Smith

The fedora hat became popular during the early 20th century.

Originally considered a female fashion, the stylish hat consists of a large brim and a tight ribbon, which forms around the crown of the hat. Though the style remains the same, the material has changed from linen to wool.

“Fedora hats are definitely in. The only difference between now and the 1970’s is that they are made for winter as well as the summer,” Emily Ramirez, H&M Sales Representative.

Photo: AP
Photo: Nell Smith

Fox tail stoles were generally worn with formal wear clothing such as suits and gowns. This revitalized fashion trend is now worn with casual clothing such as blazers, blouses and jackets.

“Anything warm and fashionable is a win-win for me! Fox tail stoles add some character to my old blazers and jackets. I may not be able to sport ones that Victoria Beckham and the Kardashian’s wear, but I think this is pretty darn close.” Natana Jules, H&M customer.
