Tag: air quality
There are plans to add more trees in Midtown
Experts say more trees will improve area’s poor air quality.
New bill aims to slash citizen complaints on idling vehicles
The City seeks to stem the flood of submissions from the Citizens Air Complaint Program.
Complaints About Air Quality Persist in Midtown
A recent report from the American Lung Association shows that air pollution has decreased across New York City. But some Midtown workers aren’t convinced.
311 Complaints: Call center data offers false portrait of indoor environmental health hazards
The Upper West Side has filed the most complaints for indoor environmental problems since 2010. But other neighborhoods have far more severe indoor environmental health complications.
Smoke-free housing slower to come to buildings that need it most
Smoke-free housing efforts by the Manhattan Smoke-Free Partnership target low-income developments like the Robert Fulton Houses, where there are higher rates of asthma, but, change in these neighborhoods may come slowly.