Category: Inclusion
Campaign for Marriage Equality Continues in New York
After New York legalized same-sex marriages in 2011, many activists were able to breathe a sigh of relief. But while New York joined five other states and DC in establishing marriage equality, the organizations that headed the state’s campaign haven’t stopped working. Now they’ve turned their attention to the national level.
Sikhs Organize Bowl-a-thon for Fun and Funds
A bowl-a-thon was held by a Sikh American civil rights advocacy group in the U.S. on Sunday to raise funds for the rights of the Sikhs to fight alleged discrimination against the community.
DOMA Hits LGBT Couples Even After Death
In late September, Edie Windsor’s challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act was heard before the U.S. Court of Appeals. Upon the death of her wife in 2009, Windsor was forced to pay more than $300,000 in estate taxes than she would not have paid had she been married to a man. Almost by accident,…
LGBT Youth Service a Casualty of Chelsea Rents
Rising rental prices have forced the Ali Forney Center, which provides services to LGBT youths, to open in Harlem in advance of closing its current Chelsea site.
LGBT and the Military: Lawsuit the Next Step
September 20 marked the one year anniversary of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” a law banning gays and lesbians from openly serving in the military. While the repeal has made significant changes for gay and lesbian service members, inequalities due to sexual orientation still exist.
LGBTQ Community Seeks Inclusive Holiday Celebrations
The LGBTQ community finds congregations that welcome everyone for holiday worship.