Posts Tagged ‘religion’

Midtown mosques worry their prayer calls will cause disruption

Midtown mosques worry their prayer calls will cause disruption

Despite city hall approval, Midtown mosques are hesitant to broadcast prayers.

Prayer and protest: LGBT synagogue resists Trump

Prayer and protest: LGBT synagogue resists Trump

Members of Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, a Chelsea LGBT synagogue, gather weekly to call and write their representatives.

Synagogue holds forum on Jewish LGBT concerns

Synagogue holds forum on Jewish LGBT concerns

The country’s oldest LGBT Jewish synagogue invites dialogue about the presidential election and its impact on the lives of marginalized communities.

Will This Area Catholic School Be Saved?

Will This Area Catholic School Be Saved?

Holy Cross School on 43rd Street is one of 27 Catholic schools being considered for closure by the Archdiocese of New York this year.

Buddhist Temple Relocates to Accommodate Growing Number of Followers

Buddhist Temple Relocates to Accommodate Growing Number of Followers

After almost two decades, the Kadampa Meditation Center New York City has purchased its own place in Chelsea to accommodate the growing number of followers. October 26-28 will mark the grand opening of the temple.