Author Archive

Open data for all?

Open data for all?

Tech heavyweights throw their capital behind the annual BigApps competition and the City Council keeps pushing open data legislation. Meanwhile, the city’s 311 hotline receives thousands of service requests a day – all of them, of course, catalogued online.

Local law calls for more information about school safety policies

Local law calls for more information about school safety policies

A local law requiring the New York Police Department and Department of Education to provide information about school safety policies – including the number of metal detectors in schools – was signed by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Oct. 13.

Gap Inc. is the latest to drop criticized on-call scheduling

Gap Inc. is the latest to drop criticized on-call scheduling

Gap Inc. announced it will phase out a controversial scheduling practice which critics say left workers with volatile work hours and unreliable paychecks.