The Midtown Gazette

A Columbia Journalism School newsroom covering Midtown Manhattan in the heart of New York City.

Category: Culture
  • A Taste of Italy on Columbus Day

    A Taste of Italy on Columbus Day

    St Patrick’s Cathedral held its 34th annual bilingual Italian and English Columbus day service on Monday, Oct. 10. Many parishioners brought Italian flags and a few even wore soccer jerseys to help celebrate Italian heritage in the packed cathedral.

  • Street Buzz:  Core of Apple Fans Memorialize Steve Jobs

    Street Buzz: Core of Apple Fans Memorialize Steve Jobs

    New Yorkers and tourists alike stopped last Sunday to read notes posted at the Apple Store at 14th Street and Ninth Avenue since the October 5 death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. The notes expressed thanks, a sense of loss, and admiration for Jobs’ innovative work, and soon spread to cover several windows; the Fifth…

  • Street Buzz: Then and Now

    Street Buzz: Then and Now

    The stretch of 35th Street between Seventh and Eighth avenues bustled with garment activity in 1978, and it’s still lined with fabric stores today. But the Wingate by Wyndham Hotel is a new addition. It opened in 2007, said Russell Verkhovski, who works there as a front desk agent, and replaced a garment warehouse. The…

  • Street Buzz: Then and Now

    Street Buzz: Then and Now

    The fedora hat became popular during the early 20th century. Originally considered a female fashion, the stylish hat consists of a large brim and a tight ribbon, which forms around the crown of the hat. Though the style remains the same, the material has changed from linen to wool. “Fedora hats are definitely in. The…

  • Street Buzz: Then and Now

    Street Buzz: Then and Now

    In the last decade, as overseas outsourcing of garment production increased, orders shrank and landlords raised rents, many garment manufacturing companies ran out of business or moved out of the District. “When I moved to this building in 2000, garment manufacturers occupied 18 floors of the building, and belt manufacturers occupied two,” said Terry Schwartz,…

  • Street Buzz: Then and Now

    Street Buzz: Then and Now

    Tourists walk from 8th Avenue toward 7th Avenue along 35th Street and past what was once part of the center of the Garment District. Where there were once trucks and workers unpacking clothes are now the relentless stream of tourists overflowing from Times Square. Shops such as Gate 232 Inc., which has been in business…

  • Dancing to Remember

    Dancing to Remember

    An afternoon at Rhythm Break Studios at 33rd and Broadway gives people with Alzheimer’s and their loved ones a window on the past.

  • Fountain Gallery Offers Artists a Way Back

    Fountain Gallery Offers Artists a Way Back

    Fountain Gallery, a venue in Hell’s Kitchen representing artists struggling with mental illnesses, has opened the fall season with Brand New Work, a group exhibition. The show features over 40 works in mediums including oil, acrylic, charcoal, and digital photography.

  • Green Fashion Designers Make Big Screen Debut

    Green Fashion Designers Make Big Screen Debut

    A series of short films featuring sustainable fashion collections premiered on a big screen – 30 feet wide, in fact – during Fashion Week.

  • Stored Fur Coats See Another Season of Daylight

    Stored Fur Coats See Another Season of Daylight

    As Fahrenheit lowers in Manhattan, people are flocking to the fur vaults to have their coats taken out from cold storage.

  • The 12-Day Broadway Week that Few Got to See

    The 12-Day Broadway Week that Few Got to See

    Broadway Week, a NYC & Company initiative to sell half price tickets to Broadway shows for 12 days, wrapped up on Sept.30. While the event provided some theatergoers with discounted prices, most either were unaware of the event or were disappointed that tickets were sparse and cost more than the half price that Taxi T.V.…

  • Six Countries, 1,000 People Come Together to Create 9/11 Quilt

    After 9/11, myriad New Yorkers asked the American Folk Art Museum to display patriotic crafts and projects that they had made to commemorate and mourn those who died in the attacks. One project, the 9/11 Tribute Quilt,⎯had such an amazing story behind it that it actually made the cut. The quilt is still on display…

  • Design Competition Connects Fashion with Architecture in Pop-up Store

    Design Competition Connects Fashion with Architecture in Pop-up Store

    Architecture and fashion are typically considered two separate forms of design with little to do with each other, but Faris Al-Shathir is working to change that notion. Al-Shathir is director and co-founder of BOFFO, a non-profit organization that works to convert empty, unused spaces in New York City into art. This fall, the organization is…