Posts Tagged ‘Development’

City seizure of Hudson Yards building angers tenants

City seizure of Hudson Yards building angers tenants

Historic building in Hudson Yards set to be bulldozed for an access road.

Chelsea Market’s Growing Pains

Chelsea Market's Growing Pains

Plans to ad a 150-room hotel and new offices on top of the existing Chelsea Market building have stirred up strong feelings in the community.

Unusual Grant Program Pays For Babysitting at the Theater

Unusual Grant Program Pays For Babysitting at the Theater

Over the past two years, a fee on certain transactions between theaters and high-rise developers has funded a city grant program that contributes to theater-related programs.

Chelsea Galleries Remain Strong Despite Development

Chelsea Galleries Remain Strong Despite Development

Condo and retail developers have spent the past decade following artists from other parts of New York to west Chelsea. But the rapid development has yet to eat away at the vibrancy of the Chelsea art scene.

Midtown Hospital Reborn as Condos

Midtown Hospital Reborn as Condos

The neglected shell of the former St. Vincent’s Midtown hospital, closed in 2007, will be gutted and rebuilt as condominiums. Major flooding, mold, and rodent issues have caused a mess for neighborhood residents.