Author Archive

After peaceful holiday, Jewish leaders unconcerned over hate crimes report

After peaceful holiday, Jewish leaders unconcerned over hate crimes report

Despite the Anti-Defamation League saying that hate crimes rose across the city and state, catching the attention of state senator Brad Hoylman, reaction among rabbis and academics was mostly muted.

Activist seeks improvements on M11 bus, one signature at a time

Activist seeks improvements on M11 bus, one signature at a time

Ruth Shapiro, 86, is circulating a petition in the latest attempt to spur the Metropolitan Transit Authority into action over slow M11 bus service.

Johnson campaign HQ: The wait begins


Third district city council candidate Corey Johnson’s headquarters were a mix of sleep deprivation and adrenaline on the morning of the primary election. Johnson’s mother was in town to help with last-minute campaigning.