Tag: rent
Midtown faces broker fee shift as new legislation gains traction
The Fairness in Apartment Rental Expenses (FARE) Act seeks to reduce tenant costs, but critics argue landlords may pass the fees back through higher rents.
Garment District Businesses Threatened by Price Increases
As Midtown’s Garment District faces many challenges, customers, designers and nonprofits invest in keeping the once bustling area in business.
Rent increase in Chelsea might force out longtime filmmaker
Independent filmmaker Marc Levin might become a casualty of the Chelsea gentrification that is the subject of his new HBO documentary.
Books of Wonder turns 35, cautiously
Books of Wonder just celebrated its 35th anniversary as the oldest independent children’s bookstore in New York City. As businesses feel the pressure of gentrification, Books of Wonder has managed to stay afloat.
Rock Star Crystals fills a pricey vacancy amid small business turnover in Chelsea
Specialty store Rock Star Crystals moves into a neighborhood where shuttered windows often line the streets, as mom-and-pop businesses find it difficult to find affordable leases in Chelsea.